Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sleepy Paige

Bringing everyone up to date :)

So sorry I haven't been on here in FOREVER. I just don't know where my time goes :) LOL ... Twins will be 11 months old tomorrow. We had a rough 10 month spell. Cash had pneumonia and Paige had the flu. We had to separate them for 5 days and that meant me with Paige and Cash and Casey together. REALLY REALLY hard on them and us. They were so happy to see each other once we got everybody together. I will never truly understand the bond of twins !! Here are some pics that my good friend Cristi Young made for us last week.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 months !!!

Watching NOGGIN together !!
Paige's Sock Frog!

Two Little (BIG) monkeys laying in the bed!

Looking through the ball at each other!

Casey feeding breakfast one morning!

Spending time in Caldwell with Grant and Reese.. Cash's first time to really sit up!

First swimming trip!

I am so sorry I have been so bad about getting something on here. Lets just say we are getting more active by the day. Cash is crawling everywhere and Paige will be by the end of the week. Both can FLY in the walkers so we stay outside in them alot they LOVE them. I am going to just post some pics that I knew some of you have asked about!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm a little tea pot... well tea cup !!

6 MONTHS !!!!

It still feels like they were born yesterday and we were making the trip back and forth to Beaumont to see them. Every time I think about how small they were when they were born it scares me. I know I held them but I see pictures and think oh how small they must have been. We will know for sure next week but I think Cash is almost 20 pounds and Paige is around 16. We get shots next week so they will tell us for sure but Casey weighed them at the house and that is what HE says they weigh so we will go with that. Dad is always right, right :)

We are eating two meals a day now. Usually a fruit for lunch and then squash or sweet potatoes or something YUMMY like that for dinner. We are both rolling over like maniacs. Paige isn't into it that much but boy does Cash like too. He will roll and roll and roll until he has made it across the living room then look at me like MOTHER CAN YOU HELP ME GET BACK. Paige would rather just lay there and watch him, she is thinking WHY WOULD I ROLL OVER THERE WHEN I WOULD JUST HAVE TO ROLL RIGHT BACK.... my kind of girl :)

They both should be sitting up before too long. They are trying to now but not quite there. No teeth yet but should be soon. We have drool for days and everything goes to the mouth.

Paige LOVES her feet !!!!!

Wait a sec MOM !!


On your mark .... get set..... GO !!!!

Well we broke a BIG RULE in some peoples book lately. I went and bought the old style walkers. I know there are so many HAZARDS about them. But we don't have any stairs in the house and believe it or not I don't usually ever leave them unattended :) They love them though. Neither of them can touch the floor yet so I have towels and such under them for now but they watch TV and eat in them. Forget the high chair this thing is just as easy. I cant wait until they are running through the house and never looking back in my old school walkers !!!

First time in the saddle.....

I haven't made a blog in weeks now. Its crazy around here. Paige and Cash both are teething and then they both had a coldthe past few weeks. Paige's cold turned into ear infection in BOTH ears so now we are on 10 days of antibiotics. But doing better until last night when Cash stayed up all night with his teeth. Everybody always says in the beginning it gets easier.... TELL ME WHEN THAT IS ????? LOL . I wouldn't change it for the world though. We thank GOD everyday for both of our blessings!!

Here is a few pictures of the twins hanging out in Aunt Tracy's saddle. I think there will be many more days in the saddle for these two!!

Look at how many hands at first we had to use to keep them sitting up......

Thursday, June 4, 2009

22 weeks!!

It seems like yesterday we were driving back and forth to Beaumont to see the babies in the NICU and now they are so big and rolling over and pitching fits :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend!

We headed out to the lake house on Thursday and didn't make it back home till Sunday night. I was so worried that the babies would be HOT and Miserable but they were so good. We had a really good time. Casey and the guys had one to because they caught 140 lbs of fish!!!

Waiting to have a picture taken in the outfits mother bought them!

Patient Paige

Always putting on a show Cash

Mr. Brayden Brasher (nephew)

Cash taking a nap

Paige trying out her swimsuit (thanks Wendy!!)

Cowboy Cash Pouting about something!

Cowgirl Paige

Cash swinging!

Poppie and grandkids

sleeping all the way home!

About Me

My photo
I am a married 27 year old mother of Cash and Paige Powell. They were born on 12-23-09 and have made mine and my husband's life COMPLETE !! I am a stay at home mother who loves every minute of it but at the same time has days that I wish I was back out in the workforce. My family and friends mean the world to me and I couldnt have made it this far without them!


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