Well this is the first time that I have ever BLOGGED. I feel somewhat nervous. Although I think I have no time these days somehow I have made time to start this thing. I am on facebook and I have to say I love it because I am able to keep up with everybody else. This however is almost like I can keep up with myself :) Some days I feel I never know what I do and this way I can write about it and then weeks to pass I can come back and TA-DA it tells me what went on around CRAZY P FARMS !! I guess I will just start with what happened today. For people that don't really know me you will just have to imagine how I got to where I am today :) In a nut shell I HAVE A CRAZY LIFE!
I was very rudely awakened this morning by an ALMOST 5 month son talking up a storm. I have no idea what he had to say so early in the morning but I left him in his bed for about 20 minutes and just was amazed at how much he had to say. Finally, he got pissed off that his mother or father were not listening and giving him all the attention in the world. So we picked him up and put him in the bed with us (all about 6 this morning). He talked some more and tossed and turned and kicked and acted plum crazy enough that I went ahead and got up and fixed HIM a bottle. In the mean time my precious perfect other ALMOST 5 month old daughter sleeps so calmly and quite in her bed. I have to eventually wake her to TRY making her eat breakfast. She is somewhat stubborn these days and feels as though she doesn't have to eat anything. She slurps down a bottle when she gets ready but besides that she doesn't want to be bothered !!
We all get ready go to town to meet Casey after his eye appt and I have to feed them because they wake up while we are waiting and GUESS WHAT............ I have left the tops to the bottles at home. This would be easy to run home if I lived in town but I don't I live at least 15 minutes out of town. So I run home and get the bottles but both children are back to snoozing at this point.
We head to Beaumont for Casey's dentist appt (having wisdom teeth cut out tomorrow) and mess around some in Beaumont and then on the way home we decide we are going to be Suzy homemaker and farmer brown and plant trees. So we finally get home about 4 and start planting trees (apple, pear, nectarine, lemon, and peach). Oh yeah I also planted an upside down tomato...... I think if I start selling all this produce I wont ever have to go back to work :) A garden is next !!!
Dark thirty rolls around we come in get baths and put the kids down, Casey goes to bed and here I am telling y'all what happened in my day !!! This is somewhat relaxing a little to vent on here ! I know this is not all grammatically correct like my friends NESHA's but I try. I have to say I AM NOT SMARTER THAN A 5Th GRADER